5 rules for healthy skin 2022

5 rules for healthy skin 2022

Inflammation of the dermis is increasingly faced not only by adolescents but also by adults. The reasons can be different: hormonal disorders, poor nutrition, and vitamin deficiency.

Attention to the state of the body is the first thing that should not be neglected. However, there are habits that are worth introducing into your routine in order to get rid of the appearance of acne caused by external factors.

Simple but effective for skin

Cosmetologists talked about what habits will help to avoid the appearance of acne on the skin.

Don’t touch your face. We often unconsciously touch the skin of the face with dirty hands, provoking new rashes. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that you touch it only when washing or applying any care products.

Don’t squeeze pimples. As soon as a new pimple appears, you immediately want to squeeze it out. But you can’t do this yourself because of the risk of leaving scars and spots, as well as infecting. The best solution is to use the right-chosen medical cosmetics.

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Disinfect phone. This gadget is with us everywhere and everywhere, collecting a bunch of microbes on its surface. To prevent dust and dirt from getting on your face, you need to treat your smartphone with antiseptics every day.

Change towels more often. Control the cleanliness of the tissues with which you wipe your face, and it is better to completely replace the usual towels with disposable wipes.

Wash your face twice a day. Do not skip the morning and evening cleansing of the skin, because hygiene is important to block the growth of bacteria that settle on it during the day.

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