Best breakfast foods that reduce blood sugar 2022

Best breakfast foods that reduce blood sugar 2022

It turns out that if you eat protein foods, vegetables, and carbohydrates for breakfast, your glucose level can drop by almost 37%. High blood sugar is a serious problem. This seemingly simple indicator can at some point “go sideways” for a person who neglects his health and nutrition because high blood sugar is a harbinger of the most dangerous diseases.

That is why it is important to maintain glucose at a normal level, and it is also necessary to normalize nutrition and not skip main meals, the main of which is breakfast. We talk in this article about what foods will help you control your blood sugar, based on the recommendations of a nutritionist.

The benefits of breakfast

The lifestyle of a person directly affects his health. Quality sleep, regular physical activity, and nutrition are all important factors in everyone’s life, but the last one can also affect blood sugar levels. It is the nature of nutrition that determines the metabolism in the body, the structure and functions of cells, tissues, organs, so it is important to start the day with a proper breakfast.

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Useful trio

An expert in the field of nutrition believes that a person’s morning diet should consist of proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. These substances can affect blood sugar levels, and also charge a person with energy and strength.

Protein is found in yogurt, milk, nut butter, and eggs, while carbohydrates and fiber are found in bread, whole grain cereal, crackers, fruits, and vegetables.

Correct order

The nutritionist also noted that it is not so much the number of healthy foods that is important, but the sequence of their consumption: the benefits can only be revealed in the right order. According to a study published in Diabetes Care, if you eat protein foods and vegetables before carbohydrates, post-meal glucose levels are reduced by almost 37%.

In conclusion, there are many combinations of these products that will help normalize blood sugar levels. Here are the most popular ones:

Greek yogurt, walnuts, blueberries;

Eggs, broccoli, mushrooms;

Oatmeal, a glass of low-fat milk, almond butter, and an apple.

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