Following these are some ways that will help you to make your brain good and smart.
1. Fish should be in your diet. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, it is they that normalize the level of “good” cholesterol in the blood, help maintain the vessels of the brain, and are responsible for the formation of nerve cells in our brain.
2. For the head to work well, you need to eat lean red meat at least 3 times a week. It contains a lot of well-absorbed iron. The lack of this trace element can provoke iron deficiency anemia. Because of it, memory, attention, ability to concentrate decrease, dizziness, and weakness appear.
3. The brain draws energy through glucose. Therefore, it is important that carbohydrates are included in the diet. Do not give up not only whole grain cereals but also wholemeal bread, vegetables, and potatoes – this all applies to slow carbohydrates. By the way, simple ones – these include sweets – also improve brain function. Surely you have noticed that when you need to quickly gather your thoughts, you want to eat something sweet. Take care of calories, try a fruit and berry dessert.
4. Don’t forget about vitamins. The complex of vitamins must contain: vitamin E, which protects cell membranes from damage; vitamin C – our body uses it to produce nerve cells and neurotransmitters; and, of course, folic acid (B9) – which ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system. Do not interfere with the diet of nuts, herbs, legumes, and rosehip broth.
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