4 Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle

4 Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle

Do you consider yourself a healthy person? Aside from getting off track from time to time, most of us believe that we maintain our health well through excellent (or at least reasonable) eating habits and physical activity when we can. But is that enough to be considered “healthy”?

According to a recent study, only a small percentage of people meet the criteria for a healthy lifestyle. According to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, only 3% of Americans have excellent scores on the four main criteria of a healthy lifestyle. Only 13.8% met three criteria and 34.2% only two. The women were a touch ahead of the men.

See how you do on the four health-related criteria devised by the researchers:

  • do you want a cigarette
  • Can you maintain a healthy weight (BMI 18-25) or can you lose weight to reach a healthy weight?
  • Do you consume a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day?
  • Do you train 5 times a week for 30 minutes or more?

4 Steps and More

While these four behaviors are undeniably vital to a healthy lifestyle, others might argue that more need to be considered. What would you put on your wish list?


Just for fun, I’ve created my own top ten lists of healthy behaviors (beyond the four foundations) that contribute to overall wellness and lifestyle satisfaction:

  • Floss your teeth and gums daily to keep them healthy and pain-free.
  • Make sure you sleep well. Those who get enough sleep not only cope better with stress but also better control their appetite. Sleep deprivation has been shown to throw our “hunger hormones” out of balance, potentially leading to overeating.
  • Eat regularly with your family. This helps parents be good role models, encourages healthier eating habits, and creates an environment conducive to an active discussion. Communicating with family and/or friends is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Several times a day, smile and laugh aloud. It helps you stay grounded and deal with events that would otherwise drive you crazy. To evoke these happy feelings, read comics, watch sitcoms, or tell jokes.
  • Spend at least 10-20 minutes a day meditating, praying, or seeking comfort. Contemplation is good for the mind, helps deal with everyday stress, and even lowers blood pressure.
  • Get a pedometer and use it to motivate yourself to walk, walk and walk again. Forget how many active minutes you need; Instead, do your best to increase the number of steps you walk each day. Physical activity, no matter how you get it, can help you relax, burn calories, and boost your self-esteem.

Article of 9GoldAyurveda & 9tak

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