Good Ways To Get Rid Of Stress In Just One Weekend 2022

Good Ways To Get Rid Of Stress In Just One Weekend 2022

It so happened that every day we all experience stress and upheaval of varying degrees. As a result, the desire to enjoy life, go to work, and even communicate with loved ones disappears. It is especially difficult to endure the frailty of being from Monday to Friday. Many people, having barely begun their duties on the first working day, begin to wait with trepidation in their souls for Friday and the weekend.

According to psychologists, no one can last long in this mode. Sooner or later, stress will result in either illness or prolonged depression.

To prevent this from happening, you need to get rid of negative emotions and thoughts in time. For example, by arranging a home spa on the weekend.

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How to Get Rid Of Stress?

For everyone who wants to upgrade their emotions and feelings, the psychologist recommends that you do five important things over the weekend.

Do not rush to get out of bed in the morning: lie down, you can invite your children and spouse. It is optimal to spend an extra two hours in bed on Saturday and Sunday. You can treat yourself to breakfast in bed.

Collect positive emotions. Do what you really enjoy. Watch your favorite movies, eat ice cream, sing, cook cakes, lie in a bath with rose petals – as long as it gives you pleasure. Plan to do two of your favorite rituals in two weekends. But if you get more, that’s fine too.

Move more: exercise or swim in the pool. According to the psychologist, the more a person moves, the easier it is for him to survive stress. However, exhausting yourself with exercises in the gym is not necessary. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it will be enough to take a walk for a couple of hours with family or friends in the nearest park.

Write lists: your claims to the world, relatives, superiors. You can write whatever you want on paper. The main thing is not to forget to burn the list after. After all, he has already fulfilled his main purpose: you got rid of the feeling of anger by splashing it out on paper.

Get creative. This is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to deal with stress. Its advantage is also that it can be practiced with loved ones. For example, sculpt flowers with children or decorate flower pots with paints.

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