Tea and health: different types of the tea and their benefits

Tea and health: different types of the tea and their benefits

If you know what tea to drink in what cases, you can significantly improve your health. People often drink tea without realizing that it has a number of healing properties.

There are many types of this drink on the shelves of stores. Basically, people choose it based on personal preferences, based on taste, and aroma. However, having understanding the actions of certain fees, you can maintain the health of the body, reducing the risk of developing diseases of a different nature.

Green Tea

Fights acne normalizes blood sugar, speeds up metabolism, and lowers cholesterol.


Relieves anxiety, and headache, and helps with insomnia. It has an analgesic effect on the symptom of premenstrual syndrome in women.

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With mint

It has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the immune system after illnesses, calms the nervous system, and eliminates bad breath.


Reduces irritability, and improves attention. In case of poisoning, it can become a high-quality sorbent, easily removing toxins and toxins from the body.

Red tea

Strengthens gums and bones. Quickly heals any skin damage. Relieves tension in the muscles during frequent exertion. It dulls the feeling of hunger, suitable for those who are struggling with excess weight.


It normalizes blood pressure, the best solution for people suffering from hypertension. Improves brain activity.

Elder tea

Helps with colds, and coughs. Has antipyretic and diuretic effect.


Increases pressure, and restores the work of the digestive tract. Doctors prescribe it for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, and cosmetologists note an improvement in skin condition with regular consumption.

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