What is psychosomatics ? How psychosomatics works ?

What is psychosomatics ? How psychosomatics works ?

Did you know that our negative thoughts greatly affect our health? Often they can be the cause of many diseases. The relationship between the mental state and the physical explains psychosomatics. What is it and how it can affect our body – read below.

What is psychosomatics

Psychosomatics is a branch of medicine that studies the influence of a person’s psychological state on the physical. In people, however, psychosomatics are called diseases that are caused by those very “bad thoughts”, and not external factors. For example, the appearance of a common ulcer can be explained by constant stress and anxiety. But experts call such symptoms psychosomatic phenomena. The existence of psychosomatics was proven in the twentieth century. By the way, you can often learn about it from folk sayings or proverbs. Psychosomatics is not always the root cause of some diseases, it can also aggravate existing ones.

How psychosomatics works

Almost all psychosomatic phenomena appear due to constant stress. That is why, if you cannot find the cause of a particular disease, running around the doctors, then try to contact a psychologist. In general, experts distinguish two levels of stress. The first is healthy “eustress”. It occurs when a person is faced with some kind of difficult situation and takes it as a challenge.

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He has a temporary surge of strength and there is a motivation to solve the problem as soon as possible. Well, after the question is closed, there is a feeling of joy. The second type is unhealthy “distress”. We begin to experience it in those cases when a difficult situation seems dangerous to us. Then we can trace the deterioration of health, often some diseases appear.

What diseases can be caused by psychosomatics

Some diseases really deserve to be treated with the help of a psychotherapist. These include:

  • Hypertension
  • stomach ulcer
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Pain in the head
  • Eczema
  • Arthritis
  • Dermatitis
  • Asthma.

Causes of the appearance of psychosomatic phenomena

Psychosomatic phenomena can be the result of various mental states of a person. For example, the constant suppression of their emotions. Probably, you often heard such phrases as “men do not cry” “I must be strong”, or “tears will not help the cause”. Yes, maybe tears won’t solve the problem. But crying is still sometimes very good for health. And, of course, one of the main causes of diseases is post-traumatic stress.

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