5 ways to burn calories

5 ways to burn calories

If there is no desire to play sports or go on diet, but you want to lose weight and want to lose calories, you can achieve what you want without sudden movements and suffering.

Eat for health!

Great news for those who are afraid to allow themselves an extra piece of dessert. No more sweating for hours at the gym or running in the morning in a nearby park, scaring away sleepy sparrows. You can lose weight without exercising and even without giving up your favorite foods.

You can throw off the hated calories, practically without changing your daily routine and habits. On the contrary, some of them are proven to be beneficial for health and harmony.

How to lose calories easily and discreetly?

Doing the usual things at home, it turns out that we can also lose weight.

Dance to the music: in 10 minutes you can lose 100 calories. Dancing is beautiful because during energetic movements all muscle groups are involved.

Cooking lunch, and dinner:

100 calories go in 45 minutes. Even slicing potatoes or onions, we spend calories, and if after that we also beat off the meat, then the waist will definitely become thinner. Do not also forget in the process of cooking to choose heavier pots and often bend over vegetables.

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Take a hot bath:

100 calories per hour. American scientists recently spoke about the magical effect of a hot bath. They found that lying in the bath, you can lose as many calories as half an hour of quiet walking in the park. Moreover, if you take a bath at least 1-2 times a week, then you can significantly reduce the level of sugar and insulin in the blood.

Pay attention to your pets:

100 calories go away in just 15 minutes of communication with a dog or cat. Throwing the ball to your pet, you are already training: first, strain the muscles of the shoulder and arm to throw the ball, and then strengthen the back muscles, bending over the “prey” brought by the cat or dog. If you want to lose weight faster and more actively, it is better to start playing with your pet on the street – there are more places and fresher air.

Rearrange furniture:

100 calories are gone in 15 minutes of activity. This activity is similar to strength training. And they are very efficient in terms of calorie expenditure.

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