5 snacks, which are harmful to health

5 snacks, which are harmful to health

Delicious snacks but not good for health

People always tend to exaggerate things. Including the degree of usefulness of some products. Popular rumor, for example, classifies some fermented milk products as extremely useful. But this is not so: sweet additives in some of them negate all the benefits.

Nutritionist recommends not to believe the popular opinion heard from someone, but to trust only verified information. Especially when it comes to nutrition and health issues. The best source of information here is your doctor.

According to the expert, there are especially many misconceptions about the so-called dietary products. Moreover, many people on these lists are not really such.

Five foods that we are all used to eating during short snacks can harm your health and spoil your figure.

Rice bread. From dietary in them only the name. And the content will frighten any thin person: the bread is full of carbohydrates. A couple of these white crispy rectangles will not bring severe harm to health only if they are eaten no more than 1 time per month. In all other cases, it is better to abandon them altogether.

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Nuts in chocolate glaze. Remember: only nuts in their natural form can be considered useful, and all sorts of tasty and sweet additives instantly make them unhealthy and unhealthy. If you snack on glazed almonds or cashews, you run the risk of getting a huge amount of calories (and there are already so many in nuts) and a new attack of hunger within a few minutes after a snack.

Fruit smoothies. If they are made in a factory, then it is better to abandon them in favor of ordinary drinking water. Since there is a lot of added sugar in colored sweet drinks, which does not make them dietary in any way.

Vegetable chips. After processing in production, many chips become sweeter and, accordingly, high-calorie. This is due to the fact that the vegetable, originally healthy, is “weighted” with additives and sweeteners.

Protein bars. High protein bars are often eaten by athletes after workouts. However, if you carefully examine the composition of many popular protein bars, you will find that they differ little from regular chocolate bars.

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