Bones: Secret of strong bones? 2022

Bones: Secret of strong bones? 2022

Experts say that the strength of bones is 90% dependent on the density of minerals. Bone is made up primarily of calcium, although it also contains other trace minerals. It turns out that strong bones = a sufficient amount of minerals in the body. However, not all so simple:

The body poorly absorbs calcium.

  • Calcium can be deposited in the vessels – this is dangerous.
  • To maintain the strength of bone tissue, a sufficient amount of various microelements is required – where can I get them?
  • After 60 years, calcium begins to be intensively “washed out” from the body.

Therefore, the issue of calcium deficiency should be addressed comprehensively.

How to increase the absorption of calcium?

By itself, calcium is absorbed by the small intestine by only 20-40%, so it is almost impossible to get the required amount of the element from food. To increase the amount of absorbed calcium, it is recommended to monitor the level of vitamin D – it is required up to 800 IU per day. With a normal exchange of calcium with vitamin D, the absorption of the trace element increases to 80%.

How to help the body properly distribute calcium?

Vitamin K is responsible for the even distribution of the mineral. It directs the action of calcium straight to the bones, preventing it from being deposited in the kidneys, joints, and blood vessels, the walls of which can thin and even tear due to calcium settling, which can lead to serious health problems.

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How to meet the need for trace elements?

About 2/3 of the bones are composed of various microelements. Among them: are calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and others. Nature itself will help fill their natural need for them. Absolutely ordinary-looking resin is actually a concentrate of more than 20 essential macro-and microelements. Among them are potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, iron, zinc, iodine, chromium, copper, and cobalt – a whole vitamin cocktail for strong bones and elastic joints!

Such a rich composition makes an effective tool that has a wide spectrum of action and contributes to:

  • Launch of bone tissue support processes
  • Strengthen bones and improve well-being
  • Reducing discomfort in bones and joints

How to deal with the natural loss of calcium and make bones strong?

According to statistics, bone mass and density begin to decrease rapidly after 40 years, with women losing more bone density than men. Consequently, the risk of injury increases dramatically. Upon reaching the age of 60, the process of natural age-related loss of calcium starts – the body stops getting enough of it.

For an adult, 800 mg of calcium is enough, while for the elderly, experts set the bar at 1200 mg. To provide the body with an acceptable daily intake of a microelement, they often prescribe vitamin-mineral complexes.

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