You can get rid of hiccups in a matter of minutes, the main thing is to know effective ways to get rid of this scourge.
Hiccups overtake us most often suddenly and, as it usually happens, at the most inopportune moment. In such situations, we are ready to do anything to get rid of this unpleasant scourge that makes us feel uncomfortable in the presence of other people.
Fortunately, there are ways to quickly get rid of hiccups in a variety of conditions. We will tell you about the most effective of them in this article.
Solutions for Hiccups
1. Hold your breath
It will be possible to interrupt the hiccups if you take a few deep breaths and exhalations, or simply hold your breath for literally 5-6 seconds, and then exhale sharply. If your trousers have a belt, you should unfasten it or at least loosen it, and then repeat the “breathing exercises”.
2. Drink water and eat a sugar cube
Drink a glass of chilled water in one gulp. This method is considered effective because it helps to achieve the opposite effect of spasms. If that doesn’t work for you, then try sucking on a sugar cube or a teaspoon of honey. Sugar will increase salivation in the mouth and activate the esophagus. In this way, your brain will switch attention from the diaphragm.
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You should also chew a lemon wedge or put apple cider vinegar on your tongue. The acid in these foods will act as an overexciter on the phrenic nerve and thereby create the opposite effect, which will help you get rid of hiccups.
3. Suck on an ice cube
Ice resorption is very effective in controlling hiccups. This process can also backfire and affect the phrenic nerve. Put an ice cube on your tongue and suck it until it melts.
4. Get in the fetal position
Pressure on the diaphragm is effective in eliminating such a nuisance. To get rid of hiccups, you need to sit on a flat, hard surface, bend your knees, wrap your arms around them and pull them to your chest.
5. Massage your carotid artery
The artery is located in the neck on the right side. To eliminate hiccups, you need to find the carotid artery (if you put your finger just above the collarbone, you can easily detect it by pulsation), lightly press on it and massage it in a circular motion for about five seconds. The method is suitable for those who were overtaken by an attack in a public place.
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