What types of physical activity do I need?
Experts recommend two types of physical activity for better health: aerobics and power.
Aerobic activity. Aerobic exercise, also known as cardiovascular or strength training, increases your heart and breathing rates by engaging large muscle groups (chest, legs, and back).
Aerobics can be moderate or intense. How do you know what activity level you are at? To find out, take the “speaking test”. If you’re breathing heavily but can all talk but not sing, then do moderate-intensity exercises. You are on an energetic level when you can absorb a few words instead of pausing and taking a breath. Start with a high intensity to avoid injury.
Choose aerobic exercise that you enjoy. If you enjoy what you do, you’re more likely to stay active. Try to enlist the support of a friend, family member, or colleague. This makes it easier for you to have fun and keep practicing.
Try one of these or other activities you enjoy:
- brisk walking or jogging
- cycling (wear a helmet).
- Swimming
- Dancing
- basketball or football are just some of the activities available.
- Regular aerobic activity can help you
Maintain a healthy weight:
Aerobic exercise burns calories, which can help with weight loss.
NIH External Link for heart disease and stroke prevention: Your heart muscle can be strengthened with regular aerobic exercise. It has the potential to lower blood pressure. It may also help lower “bad” cholesterol and increase “good” cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.
Other diseases can be avoided: Even moderate-intensity aerobic exercise once a week can lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, several types of cancer, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer’s and other dementias, according to the
National Institutes of Health: Keep Your Bones in Good Shape Walking, jogging, or dancing, for example, are weight-bearing aerobic exercises that require you to increase or increase your own body weight.
Muscle-strengthening activity. Strength training (aka resistance training) involves pushing or pulling on things like a wall or floor, dumbbells, exercise bars, resistance bands, or even soup cans.
Try these options
- Do push-ups, pull-ups or planks with weights; You can even use two full jars of food or quarts of water as weights.
- Use expanders (large rubber bands)
- Intensive garden (dig, raise, wear)Regular muscle-strengthening activities may assist you.
Do push-ups, pull-ups, or planks with weights; You can even use two full cans of food or a gallon of water as weights. - Use expanders (large rubber bands)
- cultivate intensively (dig, breed, use)
Read More:Health Tips for Adults 2022
How much physical activity do I need?
Experts recommend at least 150 minutes of vigorous moderate-intensity aerobics per week (2 to 12 hours in total). You can split your workouts throughout the week if that’s more convenient for you. According to research, if you spread your activities over at least three days a week, you can improve your health, reduce your risk of injury, and prevent overwork.
You can reduce your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes by increasing your aerobic activity to 300 minutes per week instead of the recommended 150 minutes. In addition, you can lower your risk of certain types of cancer if you do more than 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week.
Try to do strength training at least two days a week. Give your muscles at least 1 day to rest and recover before retraining the same muscle groups to avoid damage.
See Also:Health Tips for Adults part 2