How to identify an allergic skin rash

How to identify an allergic skin rash

How to identify an allergic skin rash

When a rash appears on the body, the first thing to do is suspect an allergy. How to make sure that this is really an allergic rash, and not a more serious skin disease?

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  • Notice how quickly the rash appeared. Allergies occur almost suddenly. The rash has the form of swollen pale red nodules. Affected areas may be very itchy or burn. The rash occurs anywhere: on the face, tongue, ears, abdomen, legs , arms, etc. The size of the skin lesion can be very small or stretch over almost the entire body.
  • Most often, allergies arise from the use of certain foods. So remember what you ate in the last 2-3 hours. The cause of the rash can be chocolate, nuts, tomatoes, berries, milk, fish. If you notice such a reaction of the body to certain foods, then stop using them.
  • Also, allergic rashes can occur after taking certain medications or injections. Therefore, if you develop a rash and swelling after the administration of the medicine, stop therapy immediately and contact your doctor.
  • Allergies in the form of small pimples can appear on the body and from sunlight. At the first sign, immediately hide in the shade, and put a T-shirt on your body.
  • During the flowering of plants, some people show signs of allergies. Here, a runny nose, tearing, and sneezing can be added to the rashes.
  • Recently, many cases of allergic rashes occur when wearing synthetic clothing. Try to walk in natural fabrics as often as possible, in summer it is better to wear linen and cotton T-shirts and sundresses.
  • Sometimes rashes can occur after a physical impact on certain parts of the body. Let’s say you’ve been doing hard physical labor, pouring sand or grain, sweating, and you have a rash under your armpits or on your chest. Usually, after finishing work and taking a shower, she disappears without a trace. But the next time you do such a dusty and hard job, try to put on a light hazmat suit.
  • There are also cases when an allergy appears suddenly and just as suddenly disappears. If this repeats, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will offer to undergo a special examination to identify the allergen.

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