How to keep the weight lost as a result of the diet and not break loose. A few simple recommendations for maintaining and maintaining a normal weight.
Nowadays, the world is obsessed with diets. Everyone wants to be not just slim, namely, thin. What is in the hands of the developers of all kinds of diets, manufacturers of wonderful creams, powders, tablets, magic breakfast cereals and slimming belts. Why, with such a rapidly developing industry of “lose weight yourself and help someone else,” there are no fewer overweight people? Because losing weight is not a problem, a much more difficult question is how to maintain weight? A person, sitting on a diet, restricts himself in food. Having achieved the result, he includes previously prohibited foods in the diet, increases portions. And then the body, having seized upon the “free”, decides to keep something in reserve (you never know what the owner will throw out?). This is how the kilograms dropped with such difficulty return.
With each subsequent diet, the result will be worse, and the weight will return more confidently.
recently more and more people understand that a diet is a way of fast, emergency weight loss. To keep the weight, you need to change your lifestyle: eat often, but little by little; do not abuse fatty, sweet and starchy foods, especially in the afternoon; do not eat up “from the belly” at night; add vitamins, minerals, fiber to the diet without fail; Well, and of course, feasible physical activity.
It makes no sense to list all the tips and recommendations – a lot of information can be found on websites dedicated to nutrition, a lot of literature has been written by experts in this field. We should not forget about the role of the subconscious on the body. Looking in the mirror, you need to praise yourself, enjoy your reflection. When you are constantly dissatisfied with yourself, lament, complain, then it is easy to fall into a state of stress, and then depression. The result is another weight gain. Vicious circle. Remember the “Wish Map” system?
Pictures are pasted onto the drawing paper, symbolizing the desires of a person, for example, a good car, happy children, keys to an apartment, an island in the warm blue sea, a red diploma from a prestigious university, etc. Such a composition is hung on the wall in the place where it will catch the eye most often. It is believed that the subconscious visualizes these desires and starts the mechanism for their implementation.
By the way, check it out! To lose weight or maintain weight, you can use this idea. Now there are a lot of female templates for Photoshop on the Internet. These are ladies in beautiful clothes, in different places, but without a face or head. Choose the figure you like, download it, paste your face in Photoshop. And here you are – so slender, thin, in a chic dress in an expensive restaurant.
Print this photo and hang it up:
- on the refrigerator (to be ashamed to once again climb for a piece of sausage);
- near the bed (so that, falling asleep, you can see what you will soon become);
- over the stove (to make frying in olive oil, and not in lard).
to adjust the scales so that they show weight 3-5 kg less than the real one. “Of course, you know that this is not true, but the body is suggestible. And when you get on the scales, and they show 5 kg less, the body gradually begins to believe in it and automatically pulls up to the cherished figure.” But, to paraphrase a well-known saying, rely on the subconscious, but don’t make a mistake yourself. Do not starve, do not overeat, drink green tea, walk more – simple rules for a lasting result.
Read More: Healthy Lifestyle: 5 Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle