Is Alcohol Beneficial or Harmful to Your Health?

Is Alcohol Beneficial or Harmful to Your Health?

What alcohol does do to your body, both good and bad, and why not all alcohol is the same

When the narrative whirls around alcohol recommendations like the wind, it’s hard to know what to think.

Several studies support moderate alcohol consumption for potential health benefits, but conflict with other studies claiming that it is actually more harmful than helpful.

And it’s not just conflicting studies that make the decision to drink so difficult; Other characteristics such as age, gender, and general health add to the confusion.

So is a glass or two of red wine acceptable with dinner? Or maybe a beer at a baseball game?

We look at how alcohol affects your body, both positively and negatively, why not all alcohol is the same, and how to make the best choices for your health.

When it comes to drinking, how much is too much?

Government and health agency recommendations and guidelines on alcohol consumption are primarily based on light to moderate consumption. In the US, this means a maximum of one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.

Is Alcohol Beneficial or Harmful to Your Health?

Recommendations for women are lower because they often weigh less, have less tissue to absorb alcohol, and have a smaller body composition with less water, so the alcohol doesn’t break down as well as in men. Women are more susceptible to the effects of alcohol because of these variables, and enough is enough to harm them.

Heavy drinking is more difficult to assess, but according to standards, men shouldn’t have more than 14 drinks a week and women shouldn’t have more than seven drinks a week.

Of course, all suggestions are based on the assumption that the person is healthy and has no major problems.

However, many people have health problems or numerous complaints, especially in old age. And your personal concerns can make drinking even riskier. Alcohol, for example, has become a leading cause of chronic diseases such as asthma and migraines.

Make informed decisions about drinking

Ultimately, you need to make informed decisions about your health in order to understand whether alcohol is good or bad for you.

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If you don’t have any health problems, rest assured that following the recommendations for a small to moderate intake will not harm your health and may even benefit it.

There are several important exceptions when total alcohol abstinence is recommended:

  • Those who have a history of alcohol misuse in their family
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding*
  • People with health problems, including ulcers or liver problems.
  • Breast cancer is a disease that affects women.
  • Those who are taking prescription drugs that may interact with alcohol

The best advice, and the safest way, is to always consult your doctor to assess whether you can drink alcohol. If you’re not sure, don’t risk it.

Article of 9GoldAyurveda and Ninetak

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