Signs of Hypertension You Should Never Ignore

Signs of Hypertension You Should Never Ignore

An Indian doctor has warned that insufficient attention to blood pressure problems can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

In most cases, even if you have some symptoms of hypertension, you may not immediately respond to them, considering them to be just fatigue or overexertion.

You should not ignore some of the symptoms of high blood pressure, such as severe headache, blurred vision, difficulty breathing, especially shortness of breath on exertion, chest discomfort, and fatigue. In these cases, it is important to take action in time, says an Indian doctor.

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6 Signs of Hypertension You Shouldn’t Ignore:

  • Nosebleeds. Nosebleeds are caused not only by my sinusitis but also by high blood pressure. If your nose bleeds frequently, let your doctor know.
  • Headaches. A constantly throbbing headache, especially in the occipital region (back of the skull), is a signal that you need to check your blood pressure immediately.
  • Fatigue. If you can’t do office or housework easily, it could be due to high blood pressure. Sometimes you feel tired even if you did nothing? There is a reason to contact your doctor.
  • Dyspnea. Difficulty breathing is one of the common symptoms of hypertension.
  • Blurred vision. Another sign of hypertension is blurred vision, blackheads, or sudden total loss of vision.
  • Chest pain. Hypertension can be disastrous for the heart, causing hardening and thickening of the heart’s arteries, causing the heart to receive less blood, in the worst cases it can cause a heart attack.

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