10 Foods For Better Sleep
The life of a modern person is like an eternal race: we are constantly in a hurry somewhere, drink a lot of coffee, get nervous, and, of course, suffer from…
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10 Foods For Better Sleep
The life of a modern person is like an eternal race: we are constantly in a hurry somewhere, drink a lot of coffee, get nervous, and, of course, suffer from…
How to lower your heart rate The pulse rate is a purely individual value for each person. With an increase in heart rate, there is a deterioration in the supply…
7 tricks to control your body The human body is one of the most interesting mechanisms in the world. And, as with any mechanism, you can apply your “hacks” to…
Do you have insomnia? Trust me, you are not alone in this problem. The reasons for this state of affairs are numerous. You may be worried about an upcoming event.…