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This is an incomplete list of diseases that can be cured with active living water that does not pass filtration by reverse osmosis and contains the entire set of water-soluble trace elements necessary for the body.


Insufficient water consumption, for a long time, worsens the rheological properties of blood (i.e., causes its thickening), which leads to a disruption in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues through the capillary network.
The level of cholesterol rises as a protective reaction on the part of cells to dehydration, exacerbating the problems with blood circulation that have arisen.
The cardiovascular system begins to experience heavy loads, which in the future will lead to the development of serious cardiac diseases, including heart attacks and strokes. BioVita enters the blood as quickly as possible, liquefies it, saturates it with oxygen and begins to work actively, producing both treatment and prevention of diseases.

Read Also:Health: Top 10 benefits of drinking water 2022


Have you heard of synovial fluid (lubricates joints) and cerebrospinal fluid (cushioning fluid between the vertebrae and around the brain)?
Probably no
We would like to tell you that water forms the composition of these fluids, which are so necessary for the health of joints and gentle protection of the spine.
If you don’t drink enough, the stress on the joints and spine will increase and the protection will decrease.
Adequate protective fluid is MANDATORY . Remember this. If your joints crack and snap, that’s an alarm!


One of the most common problems that is rarely talked about openly is constipation.
To get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, sometimes it is enough just to drink in the morning, on an empty stomach, a glass of active water. This perfectly stimulates the intestines, improves peristalsis and, as rule, after that the intestines begin to work at full strength.
Water not only prevents constipation, but also removes all the “waste” of the body, cleanses from toxins, fecal stones. Also, to help our digestive tract, we recommend drinking about 2 liters throughout the day. This also helps to cleanse the body on a daily basis.

How can water prevent weight gain or reduce overall body weight?
There are 3 simple rules for people who want to control their weight.

If you are thirsty, drink water!
Many people mistakenly believe that thirst can be quenched with soda, juice, or tea / coffee. This is a misconception, not only do such drinks not quench thirst at all, but they also do not allow ordinary water to be digested normally in the body, and the sugar contained in them 100% leads to an increase in body weight.

Feeling hungry? Drink a glass of water!
Our brain’s signals for thirst are almost identical to those for hunger. Often, a person whose body asks for water goes to have a snack, and this is a guaranteed way to gain weight. As soon as you feel hungry, just drink a glass of Biovit water, in most cases this will be enough to feel comfortable.

Drink a glass of water 20 minutes before meals!
Normal digestion is impossible without water, it is very important to understand that you need to drink in advance and not during a meal, as you risk diluting the gastric juice and then the food will be digested more slowly. Remember that drinking a glass of Biovita 20 minutes before a meal will save yourself from gastrointestinal problems, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.
By adhering to these simple rules, you can control your weight and significantly improve your well-being.

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