The cosmetologist told how you can get rid of freckles, without the use of expensive lotions and masks.
How do prevent the appearance of freckles?
Age spots on the face and hands, which appear mainly in spring and summer, do not cause any harm to health. They do not cause pain or itching. However, a huge number of people dream of getting rid of them once and for all.
Owners of freckles believe that this feature does not add to their beauty. And therefore, they spare neither money nor time to search for the right remedy.
Meanwhile, as the beautician said, the fight will be much more effective if you start it in advance. That is, try to prevent the appearance of freckles.
– I recommend to my clients every day after washing in the morning to rinse their face with cold rice water. Or water, which is washed with rice before cooking, adding lemon juice (1 teaspoon per glass of water). This tool effectively brightens the skin, says the expert.
Before you go outside, you need to wipe your face with tea leaves or sage infusion, and then – when your face dries – apply a cream with a UF filter and a layer of powder.
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What to do in summer?
In hot sunny weather, freckles seem to increase every hour. To take this process under control, the beautician recommends using proven beauty recipes from our grandmothers:
every morning and evening before going to bed, rub your freckles with homemade bread kvass, cucumber juice, whey, sauerkraut juice, and a piece of onion or lemon juice. Try several options to find the most optimal and effective for yourself.
Keep in mind that some people may be allergic to some of the ingredients in whitening products. Therefore, try carefully – first wipe a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. If there is no reaction, you can safely wipe the entire face with this composition.
wipe your face in the heat with whitening ice from a decoction of elderflowers. It is easy to prepare the composition: pour 20 g of raw materials with 2 cups of boiling water and let the composition boil for 5 minutes. When the liquid has cooled, pour it into molds and place it in the freezer.
make masks from kefir or other fermented milk product.
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