Dandruff again?
According to statistics, every fifth inhabitant of the Earth is familiar from time to time or constantly suffers from such a misfortune as dandruff. Doctors say that it is the result of improper scalp care, lack of proper hair washing skills, and even malnutrition.
Whatever caused seborrhea (the scientific name for dandruff), it should be treated in approximately the same way. As a rule, a strict diet, drugs for fungal diseases, and special shampoos are prescribed. However, even such an integrated approach does not always give the desired result.
Trichologists told what folkways to get rid of “snow on the head” can help faster and more efficiently.
For oily hair.
One tablespoon of castor or burdock oil should be mixed with 10 tablespoons of alcohol tincture of calendula. Rub 2 times a day into the scalp. The duration of treatment is 10-14 days.
For dry hair:
Mix one tablespoon of chopped onion, 2 tablespoons of vodka, and 1 tablespoon of castor oil in a plastic container. In it, the composition can be stored in the refrigerator, tightly closed with a lid. The balm should be rubbed into the scalp an hour before washing. Then wash your hair as usual.
For normal hair.
After each shampooing, rinse your hair with a strong decoction of onion peel. Of course, it must first be cooled and filtered. Attention: too light hair composition can be painted in a pleasant red hue. For hair of other colors, the decoction is completely safe. Moreover, it not only eliminates dandruff but also strengthens and stimulates hair growth.
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