To prevent infections and strengthen the immune system, the nutritionist advised including raw onions in the diet during the off-season.
Why you should eat onions in spring
From time immemorial, it has been considered a real storehouse of beneficial flavonoids and antioxidants that strengthen bones, and the heart, and even protect against certain types of cancer and diabetes. In the off-season, including onions in your diet can help prevent infections and boost your immune system.
– Eating raw onions improves the ability of the immune system to fight diseases. This is a vital property, and in the spring, it should be a must-have component of your diet, said an Indian nutritionist.
From infections and immunity
The nutrients that onions contain can support a healthy digestive system. They are easily digestible and can be used not only to add flavor to any dish, for example, a spring salad but also to replenish the body with useful microelements.
since ancient times, it has been used to treat headaches, heart disease, as well as scurvy, and painful mouth ulcers. The average bulb contains only 44 calories and is rich in vitamin C, an important nutrient involved in immune function, collagen formation, tissue healing, and iron absorption.
In addition, it is known from recent studies that due to the fact that onions contain a substance called quercetin, this vegetable available to everyone works wonderfully as a powerful natural antihistamine.
“Since histamine is what causes skin rashes as a result of the heat, onions are great for this,” says the doctors.
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